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DiscoScan Lens 2.0

In a disco or nightclub, you often want beams to fill the space, but it is sometimes difficult due to the maximum scanning angle of most laser display systems being around 50-80 degrees. The solution is the DiscoScan 2.0 Lens from Pangolin - a wide-angle lens designed specifically for laser projectors. It allows for laser projections anywhere in a 360° hemisphere.   For example, you could put a DiscoScan 2.0 equipped UNITY laser projector near the centre of your lighting rig, pointed straight down at the dance floor and beams will hit all four walls, as well as every corner of the floor. This way, you could create a ceiling made of laser beams or an umbrella effect. Please note the DiscoScan 2.0 Lens bracket is not included.

DiscoScan Lens Bracket

This mounting bracket allows you to fit the Pangolin DiscoScan 2.0 lens onto Unity ELITE laser systems. It was specially developed to make it possible to properly attach the lens to the projector and adjust it for optimal performance. Please note the DiscoScan 2.0 lens is not included.

Safety Scan Lens Bracket

Our Safety Scan lens bracket allows you to fit and horizontally adjust the Pangolin Safety Scan Lens onto the primary aperture of the Unity Elite laser display projector. When the lens is installed correctly, it increases the divergence of the laser beam when scanning downward into the audience. It allows you to create a stunning laser show and keep the beams that are projected into the audience at safer levels while not affecting the overhead beams at all. Please note the Safety Scan Lens is not included with the bracket.